Some students got to go outside for 20 minutes of special reward recess today. Students who had 0 or 1 write-ups in the behavior notebook for the month of September received this reward. They got to go out on the playground, enjoy a special snack, and get out of class. Great job to these hard workers!
i think that extra recess is awsome
thursday our scince homework is due
how ru
how ru today
good you?
myn is sl
how ru today
good sl & st
hey shelb waz up
alina shelbs is sc dofaous
st lets find a time we can go to my house w/t sl
I think it is a really good idea to let people have extra recess for doing something really good.
lets talk
lets talk
hi hih ih hi hi......
its only me and you
will you blog alredy?
I don't think that we should do this ALINA so stop
Don't for get about your reading homework.
lets find a new place to blog.i herd about a new blogging place.sc
its called the endofthepage.org
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