You can also tell who you would recommend the book to and why you would recommend that book. What happens in your book? Why does it happen? Who is your favorite character?
But, don't give away the ending!

Today's post was written by a guest writer, Lily W. Thanks for the good idea.
Lily, your post is really good if that was me I would be really proud of myself.
The Harry Potter series is is my favorite series of books. I like these books because they are really interesting to me. I like how the books are set up. I think any body could read these books and like them. When you read all the books in a row its like one big book. I recommend this book for everybody and anybody.
My favorite book is Shiloh. It is about this dog that gets abused and this takes him takes care of him and calls him Shiloh. There are three books to the series The author of this book is Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. If she would write another Shiloh book I'd be the first to read it. My favorite part in Shiloh Is when Judd is out hunting and shoots a deer when it isn't even deer season. I would recommend this book to my dad because he would enjoy it and have fun reading it.
My favorite book is called Mother help me live I love the drama. A little girl had leukemia and she was adopted and she can't get a donor because she has to get a donor from a family member. she doesn't know any of her family members she only knows her adopted parents. She gets a one last wish letter on her stand in the hospital and she reads it and it says that she can make a wish and she wishes that she can meet her real mom. I figured why did she wish that when she could have wished for her to get a donor from her mom then she could see her mom and get a donor.
My favorite book is So What . The best part is whenever the little girl dumps the sparkles right when her mom was walking into the door. She had to hurry up and put the chair over the sparkles so that her mom wouldn't see the sparkles on the floor. Sometime in the book the mom finds out and makes the big brother sweep the sparkles up. The book So What was a good book. I think you should read it.
A really good book I've read is Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith. It's the best book I've ever read. I like this book because it was funny,exciting and different. I also like this book because Like chocolate. I would recommend this book to someone who likes excitement. I also would recommend this book to someone who likes fiction.
I am reading a book called Little Woman . The author is Louisa May Alcott. Little Woman is a good book. A lot of people would like it.
My favorite book is Swear to Howdy . There are some parts in the book that are pretty crazy. My favorite part is when Joey and Rusty-boy caught a really big bull fog. After they caught the frog it jumped in the back of a pickup truck and then out of the truck and in the river.
My favorite book is Flush. I like that book because every time I stop reading it leaves me hanging. Something crazy happens like someone runs away or loses a leg or arm. I have read flush 3 times.
The best book I have read is Deep Down Popular .The Author of my book is Phoebe Stone. The reason I like the book is because it is different from a lot of other books you never know what is going to happen next. If you like different books this is the book for you . I hope you get this book and enjoy.
The title of my favorite book is Love, Stargirl. I like this book because It is written in the form of a letter and the letter ends when the book ends. It is also a good book because it is the story of a not so normal girl who has a rat for a pet. In my book Stargirl moves away from her boyfriend.
My favorite book so far this year would be Swear to Howdy . I like that book because it is very funny my best would be when the big bull frog jumped on sissy head and pooped.
One of my favorite book is one I read to my little sister when our great grandma died. It's called Animal Crackers. Animal Crackers is a book about a girl who goes to your grandmas all the time and one day she just stopped going to her house because the girls grandma had died. It one of my favorites because my grandma died when I was in 3rd grade so, I CAN RE LIAT TO IT
Dear Lily W., I would recommend “Spy X-Hide And Seek.” I think you would like this book because it's funny, full of details, clues, and, make you suspect something, but turn out to be a wrong hypothesis. It's cool, and I have one more thing, you can't believe it till you read it!
The best book I have ever read would have to be Holes. I liked Holes because the author did a really good job of telling you how the charters acted . I also like reading books by Louis Sachar which is the author of Holes. Holes is book filled with adventure and very interesting. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes adventures and mystery's. When I started to read this book I couldn't put it down it's a very good book.
My favorite book is Harris and Me by Gary Paulsen. I like the book because it is really funny and wacky. I would recommend this book to anyone who has read a Gary Paulsen book because most of his books are really serious, but not this one, it is one of the funniest books I have ever read. Some things that happen in the book are, going at war with pigs, milking cows, and peeing on things. Those things happen just because Harris is a crazy, but adventurous kind of kid. My favorite character is Harris. I hope you read this book, trust me you won't regret it.
My favorite book is either A Boy at War, or Freak the mighty. But I would rather read A boy at war because you would like it if your into stuff like, Pearl Harbor, war, and stuff like that. It's a novel of Pearl Harbor and it's about a boy named Adam and his dads in the navy and if you seen the movie
Pearl Harbor or read about Pearl Harbor it's kind of like it.
My favorite book is Among the Impostors by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Its about a boy that was given a chance to be free unlike the other shadow children through out the nation by a fake id card. Even then it was way to hard to make a difference in the world or to get them to change the population rules. Then for punishment he's sent to Hendricks school for boy. But then he gets really confused because every thing is not private the bathroom its not closed in any way what so ever its just wide in the open.
The best book I ever read is Harris and me . The author is Gary Paulsen the book is very funny and interesting. I recommend this book to any one that likes really funny stuff. I like the book so read it is so funny and some parts are good and not as funny. But I still say you should read it.
I am writing about a book that is called Behind The Bedroom Wall. I would manly suggest this book to people that like reading about Hitler. I would suggest this book because it has a lot of flips and turns that you would never expect. I really liked it because it lets you know what it was like back along time ago. The book has really good detail. It lets you see what it looks like you can just see every thing that is going on in it. That is why I like the book so much.
My favorite book is Among the Impostors by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Its about a boy that was given a chance to be free unlike the other shadow children through out the nation by a fake id card. Even then it was way to hard to make a difference in the world or to get them to change the population rules. Then for punishment he's sent to Hendricks school for boy. But then he gets really confused because every thing is not private the bathroom its not closed in any way what so ever its just wide in the open.
Yes I know a good book that any one would like. The Hay Meadow is the best book I ever read. Its about a 14 year old boy that is a sheep herder. He goes through a lot of obstacles to get to the Hay Meadow. So the next time you get a book I suggest the Hay Meadow because its a exciting book.
I am writing about a book called Sixth Grade Secretes. It's a really good book, it's about a girl named Laura Sibbie that starts a secret club. I really liked this book because what happened in the book was like reality. If you like funny and wacky stuff. Then this is the book for you. Again this book is called Sixth Grade Secrets and I think you really should read this book once you start reading it you can't stop.
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