If you haven't met Martha before, you can read about Martha, the Test Grader, and then More on Martha the Test Grader.
So Martha, the Test Grader is sitting in her cubical and opens your test. She turns to the first short answer and this is what she sees.

Needless to say, her headache screams out and she wants to be anywhere, rather than try to read this mess. But, she really wants to be fair so she starts to fight through the misspelled words, lack of organization, and off-topic response. She quickly realizes though, this just isn't worth it, scribbles down a 0 and moves to the next answer.
Within 3 - 4 seconds, she has decided this student does not deserve to pass any type of test. As she sorts through each extended response, she becomes more and more agitated at the obvious lack of effort. Sorry, but you failed.
Within 3 - 4 seconds, she has decided this student does not deserve to pass any type of test. As she sorts through each extended response, she becomes more and more agitated at the obvious lack of effort. Sorry, but you failed.
Now it's time for the next test and here is the response.
Martha is smiling now. She is thinking, "this is from a good kid. This is so easy. Why can't all of the kids write like this?"
And little does she know, but somewhere in a state far, far away, a student is smiling as she thinks back to that day of the reading test. She knows she passed, because she did her best, and used all of the test taking strategies that her teacher taught her.
There is someone else smiling. As this student was taking the test, a teacher sat at his desk and watched her work. He knew she would pass. He watched her work hard all year. Today as he thinks back, he knows she did a great job, and anxiously awaits the test results that will show a real success story.
*Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/kandyjaxx/100366351/
If I saw the first test and, I was grading I would flip out. You really need to write neat on the test because if you don't Martha is not going to be able to read the test. That means you get a big fat zero. The second one was good I bet Martha did smile when she saw that test I know I would. Neatness dose count because if she can not read it is probably gonna end up a zero.
I don't think I will do well on the test. I do NOT think Martha will not be smiling when she grads my test. But how knows I could pass or I could not pass.
If I saw that first test I would have done the same thing. You need to really right neat on the test and restate the question and number your answers. The second one was really good they restated the question and numbered the answers and wrote really neat. You really want to spell right and you want to do good on the test. Also if you don't right neat you will get a zero.
Martha test grader seems kind of mean from reading all of the other story you told us about her. This one seems to be a little better. It seems to be better because she was happier. So I'll try to make Martha the test grader happy. Sounds pretty easy. Then again looking at her face in the other two pictures she made it look a little bit difficult. I think I could do it though. It makes you kind of wonder though is that really the everyday life of a test grader. And it really makes me wonder if there is a test grader that likes their job. If you ask me I probably wouldn't like it very well.
I hope I use all the strategies my teacher taught me. I want to get a good grade. I hope I do. I also hope that my test will make Martha smile. I also hope when she's grading our test's she's in a good mood. Hopefully we all pass the test next week.
I hope my test puts a smile on that face! The OAT is the one thing that I'm concentrating on right now but I feel very confident that she will pass me and she will have the biggest smile on her face and it will last all day.
When I saw that first test I would have done that same thing. I'm going to get it correct I'm not going to be like that first test, I know I can do better so I'm going to show it!
When you put it that way and when you said Martha smiled i just want to write perfect and make sure I get all my questions right because I do not want her to be in a bad mood all day when she is grading my test and all of my friends
If that was the first achievement test I was grading and I had a real bad headache I would be so frustrated I would just give them a zero with a frown. I get real bad headaches from my brother so I know how they feel. If the second I was grading it would make my day. It would make a smile on my face. I know I will write neat so she does not need to suffer.
When we were grading other peoples' test, most were so bad that I had to read them and grade them! I like to write nealy so it would be easy to read.
I hate grading other peoples tests because it is boring and hard to read. Some people have wrote so badly that some people think that they are very dumb because their writing looks like cat scratches.
If I was Martha I would have just said heck with it an just wrote a 0 on it. I would hate to do that job wouldn't want to garde test because it would be hard to just not set the test down an say heck with this.Also you would have some kids would be good an some wont. I gush you would hate to grade it I know I would. I hate grading my paper in the first place. Really I do. Sometimes when teachers make you get mad because you can't read it.
If I was Martha and I had a bad morning and the babysitter called me and said that she could not make it. I would be really mad because I wasted time finding other people.
I hope I write good on the test because I do really want to pass the test. Also I don't want her to give me a big fat F because of my writing. I do want Martha to smile whenever she grades my test because I want my test be either an A or a B. So she can be in a really good mood whenever she is done grading my test. So yeah I really really want most of my answers nice and neat and most all of them right also. I do think tests are hard but I try my best to get a good grade. When I get a really good grade on a test I am happy but like when I get a bad grade I am disappointed in myself because I did horrible. Plus I am nervous whenever I take Ohio Achievement Tests. The reason why I am nervous is because I am afraid that I will get a very bad grade. So I do hope Martha smiles when she is grading my test.
Who is it that you watch all the time? It doesn't matter any way. But I am still ready for the test.Though it is fun, I still think that Martha doesn't like her job, but why would she keep doing it if she doesn't like it? I don't know. It does get on my nerves that some people write so teribly that others cant read it. The only reason I can read it is because I have a little sister and brother who are learning to write and read> I help them sometimes. But that's no reson to say its okay, because I'm not the one grading it!
When I take the test I'm only going to use the strategies that helped me. If there was a strategy I thought was useless I probably shouldn't even use it. I hope everybody passes the test and I believe everybody has a very, very, very, high chance of passing, Actually no everybody will pass.
If I were Martha the test grader I would have got really frustrated. I am not the neatest writer, but I am a pretty good speller. Another bad thing about my writing is that it is to small. I don't want Martha to have to get a magnifying glass to read it. I know how important the OAT is and I want to do good on it. I will write my best, and try to make my writing a little bigger. I hope when she gets to my test she will have a smile on her face.
If I was Martha and I was having a bad day and I saw the first test I would give it a zero just like that. Now if I was having a good day I might take some time to try and figure out what the answer said. When I take a test I always try to write the best I can. I try to write neat because you never know a hippie could be grading your test.
I would not like to do that job. If it was not neat I would not even try grading it. I think I will do good on the test and I will try to write neat.
I think that I will do good on the test because I will remember everything that my teacher toled me. I will write so that you can read it. I will re-state and I will number. I think that I will do good on the test.
If I was the one that had to grade the first test I would have done the same thing Martha did. I would have tried to read it. If I could not read it then I would give it a zero. If I was the one that had to grade the second test I would have been happy for the kid that got that score. I would have given that kid the a very good grade.
I would grade the same way if some one spelled right or didn't try because the obviously didn't want to pass if they did they would have try allot better to write neater and try to spell correctly.
If I was to get a legible test I would more give them at least a half uh point for writing neatly and giving a effort of trying to give an answer. Because it would only seem write because they more likely tried their best to get it write. Plus not everyone is perfect at giving answers on a question. Even more likely someone in the 8th grade more likely messed up on a problem then they wrote legible I would then at least give them a 1 point. But hey thats me I would try to be as fair as I could to the person that done the test because almost everyone needs to have a fair chance even the dumbest person on the world would need to have a fair chance of passing the test.
That first one is probably a little to hard to read. I'm going to try my best to right as neat as possible.
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