Whether or not you pass this test means less than nothing to Martha. The things on her mind include sneaking out to get a diet coke, getting rid of this head ache, figuring out how to avoid listening to her sister complain about having to babysit, and about having to do laundry after work, or she will have absolutely nothing to wear tomorrow. She is also thinking about surfing and last summer's vacation.

Now it all comes down to you, the student, and your answer booklet. Will your hard work be in vain? Will eight months of learning be wasted? Or will you be a success story making yourself, your parents, your teachers, and your school feel proud?
The first thing, can she read it? Did you write legibly? Trying to strain her eyes and her brain to read cat scratches is going to irritate Martha. She probably won't even take the time to sort through it. She will just give it a big, fat, zero. Did you write neatly?
Next, if you restated the question and numbered your responses, Martha can easily find key words and information. Using a rubric to score short answer and extended response answers, Martha is looking for specific words and answers. Did you organize your answers to make finding key points easy?
Going back and finding specific details in the passage is paramount. Any time a questions asks for specific details, they are looking for examples word-for-word from the text. Did you go back into the essay and find specific details?
Another factor that makes grading easier is correct spelling. Most of the words that you need to spell are either in the question, or in the passage. It just takes a second to look back and find the correct spelling. Did you use the passage to help you with your spelling?
Did you use the basic test taking skills that you have learned in class?
Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/kandyjaxx/82881549/in/set-1618327/
Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/kandyjaxx/2487248468/in/set-1618327/
*For the beginning of this story, read Martha, the Test Grader.
For the end of this story, read Martha, the Test Grader, Part 3.
Yes I did write neatly.Yes I did organize my answer to make finding key points easer Yes I went back into the essay to find specific details.Yes I did use the passage to help me spell.Yes I did use the basic test taking skills that I have learned in class.
I know I will get a good score is that I restate the question, used the text language, and I numbered response like you are suppose to do when you are doing a extending response also if you got stuck and did not know how to spell it just circle it , and I probably get a good grade and I also write pretty neat so that is my reason that I could get a good score .
I think that I will do okay. I think this because I use all the test taking skills. So all I need to work on is my neatness. If I do good on my neatness I will do okay.
I will organize and write neatly so i get a good score on the test. I will go back to the paragraph and find the correct answer.
I know once I take the reading OAT I will pass. The reason I know I will pass is I got a good score on my practice Achievement test. I also numbered, made the sentences made sure sense, I also made sure that I capitalized and wrote neat. At my school we made sure that our writing made sense by rereading and going back into the passage to look for words that we do not know how to spell and to see if they are in the passage. That is how our school makes sure we did a good job and how I Know I will pass.
I'm ready for the test! I think I could pass and if I do it's going to make my school & parents proud of my hard work. I have no worries even though I moved here not to long ago I can put together my knowledge of both schools. I don't think all of my 8 months of learning will go down the drain.
I think I can pass the test and if I do my dad would be so happy and proud of me. So I am really looking forward to taking the test and passing it so I can get to go on to seventh grade. I know I can the test and do good in school. I think that every thing I have learned will not just go down the drain.
I am so ready for the test I am going to pass this year I don't care what anyone says I am going to pass this test and I am going to write neat so she can read it and I am going to add as much detail as can to pass the writing part of the test so I can get a lot of points so if I fail the A,B,C,D questions that I would still have points from the writing part so that is what I am going to do pass the test so I will be happy and so will my family.
I think everybody can pass the test if they try. I don't think anyone's hard work will go down the drain because Mr.McGuire is such a good teacher that he pushes us to work harder and write neater so that Martha won't give out 0's. I wrote neatly on the practice test. I think I organized my answers on most of the questions. I don't think I went back into the passage to find specific details because I am not good at finding details period. I think I spelled correctly, most of the time. I never want to be a test grader.
I think that I will pass the test. I have been trying my best at the practice test. Also I have been working my heart out all year for this test so that I can pass the this thing.
I know that I will pass the 6th grade OAT, because I passed a 7th grade OAT. I know that when I get my test scores back everyone will be proud of me. I hope that I can but a smile on Martha's face when she goes to grade my test. I think that I will pass,and when I do I will be so happy. I am ready for that test.
I think I will pass the OAT because I have good hand writing (most of the time anyway),I restate all the time unless the teacher says we don't have to.I always look back in the passage for the answer.I don't spend to much on one question because I want to get to each question on the test.When I am fully done with the test I look back and make sure I answer every question. I hope when I get my test back a lot of people have a smile on their face.
I would HATE that job, but i guess if it is to get by. I hate grading my own test. Not because I think I am a bad student. It is just...well...boring. I do think that Martha will not be disappointed of my writing. Well, everyone that I know can read it, accept for those who can't read. Not to be mean but some just haven't learned yet.
I also could not take the stress, headaches, and complaining. I would probably choke someone. Literally! I would not be able to take it!!!
I think that I will do good on the State Standard Achievement Test. I have always written neat when it comes to tests.
I also always get info from the passage or selection. Now theres only one more thing to say, I am ready for the test.
I did everything I was suppose to. Especially everything I learned. I highlighted important details and underlined. I read carefully, took my time. I also did everything in order that you taught us.
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