Students in The Reading Workshop are continuing to learn and progress with their efforts of sharing their video taped book talks. Our hope is to build a video library that students can browse as they search for a book to read.
In this video, Hannah Hop shares one of her favorites Takeoffs and Landings by Haddix.
Students at The Reading Workshop are going to begin recording book talks whenever they read something that they want to recommend to their peers. Hannah was courageous enough to volunteer to be the first to have her video posted online. The videos will be hosted at Schooltube.
In this book talk, Hannah shares Found written by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
1. Choose a book you like, and that you feel is special enough to share.
2. Read the book!
3. Once you finish, ask yourself what made the book meaningful to you
4. Don't give away the ending or any other secrets.
5. Do Not do a retelling.
6. Make it interesting from the start by beginning with a question, sharing a problem, discussing the setting, or a character, or telling a little bit of the plot.
7. Don't ruin the book by telling too much. Grab the readers interest, but leave them wanting more.
8. If you read aloud, it should be short.
9. Prepare and practice, know what you are going to say.
10. Concentrate on the book and your message. Don't worry about the audience.
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