To this point in the year, Sue had been doing fairly well--much better than last year. It's a shame she couldn't see that she was well on her way to wrecking her great start. In less than a half hour, she was chomping away again, slapping her gums together and cracking her bubble gum. That made two write-ups in one class.
After lunch, Sue came up the stairs for her afternoon class, mouth wide open, chomping on more gum. What a day--three writeups for the same offense. This earned her some time on the wall during recess the next day. Sticking to her pattern of self-destruction, Sue did not stand on the wall today, so this earned her two more days.
In less than two days, Sue aggravated her favorite teacher over and over. She showed disrespect chewing gum, which is so trivial, but then she just kept flaunting her disregard for school rules.
In the process of all of this mess, Sue who thinks of herself as an independent young woman, gave up all control of herself at school. She became a discipline problem, disrepecting teachers and ignoring rules. In the process, the teachers are forced to deal with Sue's behavior, and deal with the aggravation of a student that can not do the most simple things to be successful.
I wonder if Chomper Sue knows all she lost over three sticks of gum?