Monday, March 11, 2019

Making It!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Student Showcase Night is Balloon Powered

22 best Balloon Car Project images on Pinterest | Balloon ...
Students are working in teams to build a balloon powered car as a project for the Salt Creek Student Showcase on March 7. This project will be multi-disciplinary, taking place in three classes.

Students are building the cars in science class. In math, students will be measuring the car travel and graphing the result. In language arts, students are building a Google Slideshow. They will document steps in the project, materials used, and share data from racing the car. They will use Chromebooks to take pictures of the car and the project.

The slideshow will be shared with parents at the Showcase. It will provide the format for explaining the project and how students worked within their groups to succeed.

The slideshow might include:

Table of Contents
Supply List
Steps to Build
Trial and Error Building
Team Car
Trial and Error Racing
Trial Run Table
Team Challenges

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Main Idea Rappin

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Writing to a Prompt

Write a multi-paragraph informational response describing how technology is changing the lives of children today.  Your response must be based on ideas and information that can be found in both passages New Technology Makes Fake Arms Cheaper and More Useful for Children and Dream Jobs: Roboticist.

Manage your time carefully so that you can:
  • review the passages;
  • plan your response;
  • write your response; and
  • revise your response.

Be sure to:
  • include an introduction;
  • use evidence from the passages to support your explanation;
  • avoid overly relying on one passage; and
  • include a conclusion.

Here is Bryce's Introduction. He starts with an excellent topic sentence and has the main idea from each article.

Technology has changed throughout the years and has improved kids lives tremendously. Roboticists help the world improve technology everyday and look forward to making it better every time. People like Nick Thompson like to help find ways to make artificial arms cheaper and quicker.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Implied Main Idea