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The Reading Workshop invites students, teachers, friends, and family to share thoughts, comments, opinions, and ideas.
My favorite book is A Nose Picker From Outer Space. I think that this is a great book because it is adventures and it is really funny. The main character is Stan. Stan is from a planet called pan. Stan calls people pants. I think you should read this because it is a funny book and it is surprising. This is my favorite book.I hope you will like it.
My favorite book is The Ant And The Elephant. It is about an ant that is blown in the wind away from his colony. After he was blown away he woke up and was preparing to go back to his colony and finds out he is on the back of an elephant. This book is on self-leadership. I think that Laney would like this book.
My favorite book is White Fox adventures. It is one of the best books I have ever read. If you like action adventure I highly recomend this book. Because it has alot of action and hardship. You will want to read this book over and over.
A great book that I read is Watchers Lab 6. It was so cool how he had all those memories when he would go by that building.
One of my favourite books are Kidnapped because when Aiden tries to find who kidnapped his sister Meg.
A good book is The Twits. This book is so funny! This is about Mr. Twit and Mrs. Twit. They love to play mean jokes on each other. if you like comedy, you will like this.
My favourite book is The Invisible Man. It is a great book because it is adventurous and mysterious.The main character is a young professor that wanted to come up with a formulae that terns people invisible.It formulae work on a animal but when he tried it things went wrong. The professor went crazy and nobody could stop him.It is a really interesting book.It is the type if book that has you guess what happens in the next chapter.This book is a great book for ages 10 and up.You should read it.
My favorite book is Twelve. It's about a girl named Winnie who is turning twelve and is going through a lot of changes. Some of the changes she goes through are she goes to the Jr. High building, and she is going through a lot of friend changes, like Winnie has to find out who she can trust and who she can't. I think that all girls should read this book because, it always leaves you wanting to read more and because, it tells the life a girl who goes through life changing events that most girls will encounter.
Another really good book is Aquamarine. It is about these two girl's that loved this pool and it got destroyed so they are shutting it down and they find a mermaid in the pool and the mermaid is named Aquamarine and she really likes this guy named Raymond and she finds out that she can be human and she asked her dads and he said that if she could find true love then she could stay above water. READ IT!!!!!!!!!
I have a book to tell you. It is awesome, I recommend it to every reader. The name of the book is Mr.Tucket. It's a great series of events. I think that I might even read it again.
My favorite book is Sounder. I like Sounder because it is a hunting and I can make a good connection. I think that you would like this book because it's about a hunting dog that the boys dad runs and I think that you could make a good connection because you run dog's. I think that you should read it for read aloud.
One of my other favourites books is called How to be a Real Person (in just one day). How to be Real Person is about a teen age girl who is having problems with her parents at home, and she does not want people to know what is going on at home so she keeps it all bottled up.Every thing that is going at make her think about what is going on at home while she is at school.There are a lot more problem in her life.This book is sad.How to be a Real Person is the type of book that gets you thinking about what is going on.You should read this book. I think you will like it.
The book I am reading is called BEWAR OF THE DOG. It's about a dog [he has not named him yet]that saved two kids named Thomas and Violet from a car on a stormy day. The car driver slamed on his brakes but it was to late the car had already hit the dog. The car driver offerd the two kids a ride to the veterinarian's office when they got there the nures tookthe dog in to the back room to be operated on.
My favorite book is Max the Mighty. Max the Mighty is the second novel in the the series lead by Freak the Mighty. In my opinion Max the Mighty was better than Freak the Mighty, After Mr. McGuire got done reading Freak the Mighty, Max the Mighty went off of Mr. McGuire's shelf of recommendation books that day. In Freak the Mighty, a huge seventh grader named Max helps a physically handicapped boy named Freak.
I'm reading the book Because of Winn-Dixie, it is a very good book because it tells a story about a stray dog. Then a little girl named Opal found him. She found found him in a grocery store. She named the dog after the grocery store which was Winn-Dixie.
When she was taking care of Winn-Dixie she washed him and fed him and did all kinds of stuff with him. If he was my dog then I would do the same thing. She had to make money to get him a collar. She took the dog home and asked her dad if she can keep him but he said no no no.
My favorite book is Speak. The book is about a girl named Melinda. Melinda can't find any friends. If you like realistic fiction you will like this book.
My all-time favorite book--let me see, that's a tough call. I have a top five (at least) and sometimes it depends on what I'm currently reading. Right now, I'm reading Double Identity to my class. Haddix weaves such suspense into this story. I like Stargirl and I hope to read it to my class this year, too.
I just finished Love, Stargirl--the sequel to Stargirl. I think Spinelli creates such interesting characters. If I can't feel like I know the characters, I can't really love a book.
A great book I am reading is Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. It is a good book mostly for girls, but some boys might enjoy it as well. It is a great book for kids in the sixth or seventh grade.
This book has a story that deals with a teenage girl's terrible life. Her name is Tish Bonner and she is in Mrs. Dunphrey's writing class. Mrs. Dunphrey hands out composition notebooks as journals. Tish doesn't normally do homework, but she enjoys writing in this journal. When Mrs. Dunphrey hands out these journals she states that if there is an entry that you do not want her to read you can mark it as Do not read Mrs. Dunphrey or something in that concept. Tish Bonner rarely let's her teacher read her entries because they are all about her life, her life is so bad that when she writes in her journal it could get her and her parents in trouble if anyone reads it. Tish writes about things that go on at home and she is afraid that Mrs. Dunphrey reads her entries. Tish starts to think that her teachers reads her entries marked do not read because in the responses from Mrs. Dunphrey it sounds like she is trying to solve Tish's problems. It is a great book, I highly recommend it to anyone.
The book The Schernoff Discoveries is a great book. it is by Gary Paulson. If you liked the book Harris and Me you will like this book. It has the same Me in Harris and Me. It is about a kid named Harold who is a nerd who does scientific research on everything. The me is Harold's friend and is also a nerd. My favorite part is when Harold takes a paper clip and with a pen and puts in to both holes in the A/C outlet and you will have to read it to find out. If you like funny books this would be a good book to read.
My favorite book that I have read this year is Spells and Sleeping Bags. It is my favorite because I can really relate to the main character Rachael. The book is about this girl named Rachael going to Camp Woodlake for the summer. While she is there, she practices her witch craft now that she has become a witch like her sister Miri. Also, at camp Rachael runs into a stuck up know it all named Liana. Liana makes everything miserable for Rachael, such as casting spells to send her friends to jail, stealing he boyfriend, and most of all, taking her sister away from her by switching bodies, and taking over Rachael's life. In the book Rachael finds out that Liana is her cousin, and is a witch just like Rachael and her sister.
Everything works out good in the book. You should read it to see what happens next. But, if you do read it, read the other two books in the squeal first!
WOW! I just got back into town, and I am amazed. Thanks for all who have shared your comments. If anyone is looking for a great book, this would be a super place to start your search.
Another great book is Hatchet. Hatchet is about a guy named Brian. Brian was in a plane crash and was the only survivor left after the crash. I would highly recommend this book to everybody. I would especially recommend this book to people who love reading adventurous books. I would also recommend this book to people who like action books. I hope you read this to the class Mr. McGuire.
Another really good book is Aquamarine. It is about two girl's that loved a pool it got destroyed so they are shutting it down. Then one of the girls falls into the pool and they find a mermaid. The mermaid is named Aquamarine.Aquamarine likes this guy named Raymond and she finds out that she can have legs as long as she does not get wet.and she asked her dads and he said that if she could find true love then she could stay in the real world. I would rec amend this to any that loves mysterious,Adventurous,fantasy books.I loved this book you really should read this book. If you don't read it that is your problem. Really it is a great book. READ IT.IT ROCKS.
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