Welcome to the 208th Carnival of Education, A Day at School with The Reading Workshop. For those unfamiliar with the Education Carnival, this is a weekly event consisting of a collection of blog posts by those with a passion for education. The Carnival is hosted by a variety of hosts, but Edwonk maintains it. And now, on to the day.
Each and every day is a fun-filled Carnival-like day at the home of the Reading Workshop. Lucky for us on this day, many interesting thoughts, ideas and opinions were shared. I hope you enjoy reading about this day (all the great posts) as much as I did.
Each and every day is a fun-filled Carnival-like day at the home of the Reading Workshop. Lucky for us on this day, many interesting thoughts, ideas and opinions were shared. I hope you enjoy reading about this day (all the great posts) as much as I did.
For breakfast, Travis and Tom served up a cereal analogy while explaining WASL: New and IMPROVED! 25% more for 45% less. On the drive to school, Tom DeRosa remembered 52 Teachers, 52 Lessons: Week 3 and thought, today I must be firm, fair, and consistent. Meanwhile Mark Stock was wondering if Scripted Programs are Good or Bad for Your School?
Before school, Julie spent a few minutes trading books because she has Book Mania. Then the principal stopped by to tell Mathew Ladner and Jay Greene that they have all the right qualities based on Son of a Super Chart. Margaret got a phone call and then talked about the Top 20 IPhones Apps For Overwhelmed Students.

To get the day started, Carol rang the bell then explained to the teachers Deadlines, Surviving, and Things That Will Get You Fired. Then we had a Brain Teaser to Exercise your Memory and Reasoning Skills.
Class started with social studies and in a timely lesson with all the interest following the Presidential Inauguration, Larry Ferlazzo showed The Best Way to Learn About Presidents. Core Knowledge decreed that there is More Than Symbolism to Obama's Inauguration. And then, Susan Graham reminded us of the Simple Gifts in our country based on freedom.
As we moved on to writing Lorri Encouraged Children to Write About Their Hopes for our New President. Pat said to be successful, maybe we should think and write about cheering for the others because some things are Better Than Winning. Rani thought a Personal Letter of Apology was needed.

Hillary Kay took students to the library and told them Read, Read, Read. While at the library, meeting about conducting the Exit Exam, Darren once again found that Prior Planning Prevents Pretty Poor Performance.

Liam Goldrick questioned Who Says Democratic Governors Have A Monopoly on Education Policy? While discussing politics, Tamir Birk let us know that Back to Work Legislation for CUPE is Ending the York University Strike. Dave Johnston thought Bill Gates is Right. J.M. Holland mentioned Obama's Top 10 Pre-K promises.
Time for recess according to the Hall Monitor because Recess Makes for Better Students.
When students got back to class in the afternoon, it was time for science, but Steve Spangler had to alter his experiment today, due to the Severe Effects of the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act.
Then, Denise declared it math time and started a Math Notations Contest. Someone from a Right Wing Nation said math this way is EduInsanity.
Jena stayed home because she wondered if Schools Kill Creativity. Dana wondered if NCLB testing was bad for schools, but good for homeschools? Miss Amanda read from a Book List for home-schooled college student.
At the end of the day, Joanne Jacobs told students there was No Escape from Homework.

After school, Chris Wondra needed to speak to the parent of a child. He received an email from the gassy one's parents in Parent Communication. Corey Bunje Bower shared Some Realities of Low Achievement. Dave Saba doesn't think mentoring is the whole answer and is Still Searching.
As she laid her head down to sleep, Woodlass decided that tomorrow she was going to be an old-style teacher, Doing it Our Way.

I hope you enjoyed your day with The Reading Workshop. Thanks to all who participated.
Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Education using the carnival submission form.
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. . . and a fun day it was. I thought I would post a thank-you-comment before heading back to the links, so many goodies. Thanks for posting our conversation on Washington's replacement state assessment, from the WASL to the WCAP. I love how you worked the cereal analogy into your day. Clever.
Thanks for hosting and for coming up with such a clever format. I am looking forward to reading everyone's submissions especially since we have an "ice" day here in the Lone Star state. Thanks also for posting my submission. :-)
thanks for including my entry! I really appreciate it!
I blogged ya: Coolest Contests, Hottest Carnivals
Miss Amanda
The Daily Planet
Thank you for the comments. Hosting this Carnival has been enjoyable. The number of excellent posts really makes it better for everyone.
Great job with the Carnival... thanks for adding our post! Just one note – the post was about the Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act, not computers. And, not to worry... even in the midst of toy testing, we will never have a lack of experiments that ooze, fizz, bubble or erupt.
Thanks for the heads up. I think I set an all-time personal best for mistakes. Luckily, a lot of teachers read the Carnival and can help out with editing. :)
Thanks for hosting the carnival! It was a wonderful event!
I am looking forward to reading everyone's carnival educaiotn
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