The online journal is used daily for students to write on topics about the fictional books they are reading in language arts class. A lot of emphasis is placed on supporting their thoughts, ideas, and opinions with specific details from the book. Keep in mind though, they only have 5 -10 minutes each day for this writing task.
Please look over your child's online journal, answer questions on the sheet, and score the journal using the Online Journal Rubric.
Please look over your child's online journal, answer questions on the sheet, and score the journal using the Online Journal Rubric.
Please feel free to look at other students' journals also. This will give you a way to gauge the overall quality that I am looking for in their journals. A couple of excellent examples are Sarah's journal, Lily's journal, and Makayla's journal. Take a minute and leave a positive comment in any of the journals if you see something you like. I am sure the students would really appreciate it.
Dear Mr.McGuire,
I love the homework online because If you do not know what really to do on your homework you can look on the blog and it will tell you. My mom also thinks this is a good idea because she sometimes does not understand what to do on my homework and she needs to find out she can just go on the blog and look at what the assignment is. Yet I also think that the people who do not have internet they have to mis out and it makes it harder for them. But over all I think it is a good idea.
I thought it was kind of fun doing this with our parents. The reason why I said it was kind of fun is because for one my mom had a a headache and was in a bad mood. That's why it was KIND OF fun. I want to do this it again sometime. I would like to have my aunt comment this weekend. I could actually have all my aunts comment because they have internet access. My grandma could too because she has internet access too. It would be so much fun to do that again. I would want to have homework where you would have to get your parents to comment on two or three posts.
Hey!!! I did my homework last night and I wanted to tell you how I did.
When I went on my online journal. I went on with my neighbor and then after my dad got home I went online with him and this is how he described it.
He said Destiny you need to put a lot more punctuation than you have on your journal now. My dad also said that if you are going to have this on my blog I need to spell correctly. He said this because he said that people from all around the world are looking at your journal. I thought uh... well he is probably just telling me that to make me fix my spelling errors. So he went to my uncle's blog and he showed me that there are a lot of people looking at his blog right now. I said wow when my dad said that we are one of them. So I looked back at my journal and he gave me a B-.
I really enjoyed doing this homework. My mom gave good advise on how to make my journal better. Some of the advise she gave me was to check over my work before I save it. I think it will really help me make my journal better.
Dear Mr.McGuire,
When my mom first got on here she was like wow this is what you do on here and she was proud that I actually wrote a lot. She said she really likes doing this kind of home work with me. She also said that I gave some good details but she said there could be a little more of them. She said she is going to try to get on there at least once a week or more and comment. She also said that the site looked vary good the way it was set up. She said try to write more details though.
When I told my grandma that we had to do homework she didn't like it but at the end we laughed because we didn't understand it but then we started to understand more. We had a few misakes but I think we fixed them.
Mr. McGuire,
I loved this homework because my mom got to see what I'm doing in class and how good I can type. My mom was very pleased with my journal so far. There was little mistakes that I made but she said that she liked the idea of an online journal. She really liked that other people can get on their and post a comment. My mom hopes to see improvement in the future!
I think having parents looking at what you are doing is good. I think you should have a paces you and your parents can got on. If you do something wrong a teacher can tell your parents.
When I went home to show my dad my homework he was not happy and not mad in the middle kind of. When he saw it he thought it was going to be a all night thing. Like five minutes we were done. He told me that I need more details because it will make the whole thing better. Then I just laughed because I thought it was good.
I liked the homework we did last night.It was fun asking our parents the questions instead of them asking us the questions!
When I went home and tolled my mom that I had homework and I needed to get on line she said to go do it. Then I tolled her that she had to help me. I think that after we were done that it was fun. At first when Mr.McGuire said that we had homework and our mom or dad had to help. I was thinking that it was not going to be fun. I was wrong.
I think its cool to have your parents see what you doing in class after you get done reading your book in class or how many times you have posted or read and filled out your journal.
I hope all parents realize how many students enjoyed last night's assignment. It is amazing all of the positive comments that students made about working with their parents.
I think that doing homework online with our parents is an awesome idea. It helps our parents so that they know whats going on. It also helps our parents with jumping in and start reading the blog and let Mr.McGuire know how they feel about the blog.
I think that the homework that we did online last night for homework was really cool. My mom really liked how we could just get on the computer and find out how to do everything. The only problem that I had was when I was on LE Writing. When I got done typing everything it crashed and deleted everything that I typed. I hope that we can do another online homework assignment.
I love doing this for homework. It is so fun to do. I think we should do it once a week to teach our parents some more, so we won't be the only ones that learn. They will be smart just like us. When we get home we can teach our parents some more that we learn.They will learn the same work we have been doing in school.
Hey Mr McGuire,
I did not like this assignment at all. I might consider it once in while, like once a month.
I liked our home work last night because it informed what happens in class. I liked it also because it was fun a little bit.
Heather I think you were right about having fun because my parents kept making me laugh.
I thought last night's homework was different. Instead of us doing homework by ourselves we had to do our homework with our parents. I thought it was fun.
Mr. McGuire,
I think doing homework was a fun assignment, when you do it with your parents. When I was doing my homework I really got to sit down with my parents, and talk about my school work, and how to improve it. Not just about how my day was, but really talk about school. Although, when I was doing all that talking at the same time my step dad (Chris), was giving my brother a lecture about leaving me and my mom alone when we were talking.
Mr.McGuire, you rock!!
Thank you Secret friend!
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