Get fired up readers! Be the character! Live the story! READ RAMBUNCTIOUSLY! The only way to get the story, and truly enjoy the book is to become part of it.
Read this excerpt from I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew. When you are happy, show me you are happy. And when you get careless and are gawking, show me. Live it! When you stub your big toe, I want to see pain on your face. Give me some tears.
Rambunctious (energetic, boisterous, lively) Reading is a method of reading aloud where students work in pairs to improve their reading. One student acts out the words as he reads. The other student actively listens, affirming thoughts and statements, and commenting to the reader. Both the reader and the listener must be totally involved in the telling of the story.
If students are to comprehend fiction, they must be in the story. Imagining themselves as the main character is not enough. Picturing the setting is not enough. Hearing the characters' voices is not enough. Students must be the main character. His joy must be their joy. His pain must be their pain.
Now is the time students, READ RAMBUNCTIOUSLY!
You can see the excerpt at The Reading Workshop Wikipage.
The wiki looks great, Mr. McGuire! We are doing wikis after Christmas. I have a few questions about formatting the wiki. Can you drop me an email when you have a second? My computer won't let me use your "contact Mr. McGuire" button above.
Head Monkey aka Mrs. Bowes
Head Monkey,
Thanks for the comment on the wiki. It is still a work in progress.
I sent you an email. Hopefully we can get our students working together soon!
I liked reading rambunctiously it really brings out your inner self and it is really fun because it is just like a game. I think my mom would really like it because she really likes to express her feelings and likes to read. I'm going to my mom right now and I'm going to tell her how this new way of reading is great.
Maybe you can practice reading with your mom, and then she can come in to the class. The two of you can do a demonstration, like students did today in front of the class.
I think reading rambunctiously is fun and positive. I would like to continue reading rambunctiously. I predict everyone likes it. It's fun to express or be just like the character. Whose great idea was this? It's easy to get the gist this way. It's been more fun reading rambunctiously because you get to move around.
I think reading rambunctiously is fun! It's fun because it makes the reader think, why did you stop? When you start to read again it gets you in the mood to see what is going on. When someone is reading rambunctiously you kind of connect to the character usually. It helps you express the character's feelings. They're going to wan to read on if you you stop reading because I did not want you to stop. When Mr.McGuire read to us he was very specific in what the character is saying. I hope that in the future Mr.McGuire will read like this. When Mr.McGuire reads he know his position of who he supposed to act out to be.
You can really understand a book when a rambunctious reader is reading aloud. I would allow them to read out to see how much of a rambunctious reader they are. They are probably very good at picking good books out. I think they vary at reading sometimes. like if one day they are really rambunctious the next day they are not. Or someday they just want to read in peace. Sometimes I just read a peace of my book. It's pretty difficult for me to be a rambunctious reader. I think it is important to be a rambunctious reader. I think rambunctious reading is good for everyone. When I read by myself I can picture everything but when I read out loud I can't really picture anything.
I think reading rambunctiously can help because you can do it more specifically to be the character and act it out. When you read aloud to your partner you should show them and give them better details. Like when you read rambunctiously when you act it out it can happen instantly and it shows when you read like that. You will be in all different positions when you read like that it also shows how the character feels and what he's doing.
I like acting the book out. We were really getting the book and ho the main character feels. If you don't act it out your memory fades and you don't know anything about the book. You really get the feeling of whose the character and feeling the characters life. To accomplish it you should act out what you think. I'm glad we're allowed to read rambunctiously. This is fun because we can live the book. I can't wait to do that again. I really connect to this.
We are practicing reading rambunctiously. The teacher monitors our progress. Yesterday we were practicing being a listener and a rambunctious reader. We were not allowed to pick our partners. First we read though the story. The we read it rambunctiously. It was a lot of fun. We will probably practice it so more. We will have to play out the features of the story. It can be really fun if you have a positive attitude instead of a negative one.
Mr. McGuire the post is really good. I think that reading rambunctiously is helpful. I almost fainted when I read it. Where you said I want to see some tears I almost cried. One day I wish I could write a post like that.
I like rambunctiously reading. It gets you in the story. It makes you feel like you are the character. I think it makes you understand the book more.
Rambunctious reading helps you understand the story because it gives you an idea of how the person in the book is feeling. Mr.McGuire usually reads Rambunctiously. You can't read quiet when you are trying to read Rambunctious. I think it is important to be Rambunctious when you read aloud. You can read the blurb, and it will tell you if it is a good book to read Rambunctiously. Can you write Rambunctious?
Rambunctious reading is good because you're acting out the words. It is very fun when you you are allowed to choose the book you want to read rambunctiously. Usually you stand up and your partner sits. The purpose for doing this is so you can have fun and read, so try it.
Today Mr. McGuire read aloud the book Solla Sollew and told us we were allowed to read rambunctiously. I was very happy because I can read like that. Various student had trouble with this. So we had an assignment to read rambunctiously. There was not a lot of peace in the room. Everyone had a piece of rambunctious in them. There was no revising to do, just read rambunctiously. It was difficult for some, but important. That is way Mr. McGuire had us do it.
I think acting out the story is sincerely fun because you can act like the character. I think it is a good strategy. Were really having fun. I like that we can read it aloud and express what the character is doing. This is probably the funnest thing we have done all year so far. It is very fun.
Reading rambunctiously is a great way to make a connection with the main character. I think reading rambunctiously can help you describe details.Reading rambunctiously can also help the listeners get the gist of the story. I think doing this helps readers understand a lot of the story.
I think people read rambunctiously because they don't want to read on purpose. If you read rambunctious in the future people might think your dumb. Skimming over work will not do the job. You need to connect to you book.
I think that it was fun when we acted this book out. I was wondering why we didn't get to use the microphone, but that's okay lol. My favorite book of Dr.Seuss is Are You My Mother? Are You My Mother is about a bird that thinks a dog is its mother. I like this book because when my cat was little she thought the dog was her mother. My cats name is Sickel. Sickel still has special feelings for the dog.
Rambunctious Reading is where you act something out.Here is an example you have a partner and you read a script and act it out because you have the right thing. Another thing is when you have to make sure you are acting the script right. You have to choose rather you want to be the reader or the person that has to tell you things like stay with you. You have to predict the script and act it out. Some time s you can also skim through the script to see what the main points of the script is. You have to wait your turn to see if the other person is better as being the reader or saying things as the reader reads.
I read Rambunctiously I think it is a good idea because it is like you are a part of it. Reading rambunctiously is like your the whole act. There are different parts you have to read when you are reading rambunctiously. I think we are always allowed to read rambunctiously as long as we do it right. Reading rambunctiously is very important when someone does not know how to read. Since you stopped reading rambunctiously I've got peace. These days reading rambunctiously is difficult.
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