Congrats to the KW's for being selected as the Outstanding Commenters for April. Katie and Kari consistently post with great comments that are well written. You can find their opinions all through the blog. They were two of the first to comment, and continue to join in on almost all discussions.

I think bringing a CD into school and listening to it for the day is awesome. Listening to music helps me focus on my school work or any work. I got a high percentage in the accelerated category on my OAT test. I know that is not as I high as some people in this class but I tried. However I did better listening to music than I had ever done. My mom was not so sure about letting me bring in a CD to school, until she saw the blog. Thanks Mr. McGuire for letting us do such a cool thing.

And his mom said:
I encourage both of my boys (Trevor & Brayden) to learn all they can now while they are in school. I think all parents want that for their children. Your knowlege will get you everywhere you want to go in the future. When you grow up it is a tough world out there. And it just keeps on getting tougher! Take advantage of the time you have now to learn all you can. When you get out in the real world there are no free lunches! Go to school and learn and have fun. You are only a kid once so enjoy it!
P.S. I'll have my eyes peeled for the McGuire family when we go out to eat!!
Steph Swackhamer
Stay tuned as I will feature the intelligent thoughts of other commenters soon.
Special thanks to the Dangerously Irrelevant Blog for the idea and the certificate!
The reasons why I come to school are...
1. Well I have to by law
2. Learning is is fun to me.
3. I get to play basketball.
4. I get to talk to friends.
5. It will help me get a good job in the future.
6. How are you going to get smart just sitting at home. (Home school does not count).