Showing posts with label Google Docs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Docs. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2018

A Little About You

Friday, November 3, 2017

Reading Strategies

Links to articles:

Harry Potter


Please complete the questions and submit the form.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Share Your Thoughts

Friday, April 29, 2016

Overcoming the Monster

Recently in Reading Workshop we have been discussing the meaning of the lyrics in the song The Monster by Eminem. In this song, he relates the struggles he has facing himself and his doubts. We studied the lyrics and looked at this from the standpoint of the poetic voice.

Students final assignment is to compare this to their own life and how they overcome.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Kindness Project

Friday, March 4, 2016

Time Online Response

You can read the article used for this assignment at How Much Time Do You Spend Online?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Student Choice Project

Reading Workshop students, you have your choice of genre for the next project. Please fill out the form below and submit. Once this form has been turned in, I will meet with you individually or in small groups to discuss your project.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

D.A.R.E. Essay

Monday, April 27, 2015

Poem For A Grade

The Reading Workshop Poetry Rubric

2/ C
Rhythm, Form Structure, Organization Creatively uses poetic form. A natural rhythm and structure. Structure and rhythm seem natural to the reader. Structure and rhythm need revised for better understanding. Unorganized structure and rhythm.
Content, Impact The purpose of the poem is evident leading to a natural conclusion. The poem engages the reader. Poem is developed with content that engages the reader. Content is basic with only a hint of the author's intent. Content is basic and undeveloped.
Word Selection, Word Usage Word choice is exact, colorful, and interesting. Uses sensory details to help the reader see, hear, feel, and/or think. Word choice is interesting with the use of sensory details. Vocabulary is basic with a few attempts at improving word choice. Vocabulary is very basic.
Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation No errors and mechanics used as needed to fit with the poetic structure. Minimal errors in spelling and mechanics used as needed for understanding. A few errors in spelling and mechanics. Errors in spelling and mechanics that interfere with reading.
Effort Work shows an understanding of poetry and reflects the effort to create a special piece of writing. Developed piece of work that is the result of revising and editing. Basic piece of writing that shows a need of improvement. Undeveloped without signs of editing and revision.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Make a Poem

Take this poem and rewrite it. Make it yours. Use your imagination. Be creative. You can read other student's poems HERE.

A boy
walked down
the path

He thought
about kids
at his school

He wished
they were
a little nicer

He didn't know
how to make
it happen

He tried
smiling at them
and it worked.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Last 20 Pages

Please complete the form below.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Argumentative Essay

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pond Informational Report

You can see all the Informational Reports HERE.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Support Your Writing with Details!

Reading Workshop students, please copy and paste the latest writing topic about the book you are reading, "Could You be the Main Character?" To see more about this project you can see all responses to this topic on the Question Board.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Main Character Comparison

Here is an example from Emma M. that earned an A.

I'm like Sophie because she is curious. When her mom came to see her in the summer, Sophie would always asked, "What do you do on Skin Island," and,"Why can't I come and see you?" But her mom would never tell her. Sophie got more curious every time. And she even asked her dad what her mom did. But even with many times Sophie begged, he wouldn't tell her. I am curious like her too. One day when I was watching a really good show called Pretty Little Liars, (it's a mystery). I was trying to figure out who A was, but I got so curious that I couldn't take it anymore so I Googled it and was shocked by the answer. The weird thing was that the original A wasn't the person that showed up.

Another time is when it was Christmas time and a big box came from Amazon. Now when I was eight, boxes were so magical because they hardly never came. So I got super curious and lifted the big box to the couch. And while my mom was making dinner I started to open the magical box. Inside I found these amazing Christmas presents! My mom came in and closed the box and told me to go away. She wasn't that mad though, and she understood that I was only little and curious. But now I'm not allowed to touch any boxes at Christmas time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Trait of Your SSR Book

Reading Workshop students, please complete the form below to submit your post on a trait of the SSR book you are reading.

Monday, September 8, 2014

New School Year Writing Assignment

Please copy and paste your post, The New School Year from the Question Board or your blog to be graded. As we discussed in class, grades will be based on use of supporting details in your writing, correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Success Post

Reading Workshop students, please submit your essay for grading in the form below. To see all the essays go HERE.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What Did You Enjoy Most About Camp Responses

To read all the responses, please go to the Question of the Week Board.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bullying Essay

Students in Reading Workshop recently completed an essay on bullying. You can read all of the essays HERE.