Today we took a practice run at the Ohio Sixth Grade Achievement Test. We tried to make today as similar to the actual test as was possible. The test format was the same. Passages and questions were from
a previous test. The time allotted and class structure was the same as when students will take the reading test on May 5.
On March 28, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Caudill, and I will score the tests using the same score sheets/rubrics as the state used. I will share the results with students on the week of March 31, and we will review areas of difficulty.
The practice today serves several purposes. When students take the actual test in six weeks, hopefully they will be familiar and comfortable with the process. This should allow them to perform at their highest level. The data from the test results will help me intervene on an individual and classwide level. I will be able to see specific academic areas that need addressed, and other areas that students have mastered. I can tailor instruction to best help the students learn what they need to learn.

Ohio Department of Education has set up a website with a lot of usual information. There is a section just for the
Ohio Achievement Test.
Students can practice using test passages and questions from previous years. They have a choice of setting up an account to save their results, or they can
Take a Test without Logging In. Parents and students can
see what is expected, scores, and what they mean.
Students worked extremely hard, and with their accomplishments, the results will help us do the best job possible in preparing for the test, and learning what students need to be successful in upcoming grades.
Great job to all of the sixth graders for their effort!