If you don't already know, reading is an important part of your education. Reading can give you knowledge and entertainment. If you don't read you probably can't comprehend some of the most basic Social Studies, Science, Math and Writing skills. The only reason why you can't do these things is because you don't read enough! I know some people don't like to read, but sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do!
As I said earlier, some people don't like reading, but I do! Reading has helped me get A's in all of my school subjects. When I was in 3rd grade I didn't enjoy reading that much. That was before I found out about the Harry Potter books! After that I started to try more and more books until I found the right genre. The genre that I like the most to this day is realistic fiction. Realistic fiction is like where the things that happen in the book can be real, but they are not proven facts.
If you want to know where to get some really good realistic fiction books I would look in Mr. McGuire's bookshelf. Some of the best books that I read were The Outsiders, Party Girl, Define Normal, Kira Kira, Star Split and the Watchers series.
To end my post I wanted to ask you some questions about your reading habits.
1.What kind of books do you read?
2.How often do you read?
3.Do you like reading?
4. Do you read as a hobby?
The kind of books I read is the grey griffins books which are: The revenge of the Shadow King, The Rise of the Black Wolf, and The Fall of the Templar, but I didn't get that yet. I don't read very often though.
My favorite books are fantasy. I like fantasy because it is an adventure and anything can happen because it isn't real. I only read when necessary, for homework or when I need to, so no I do not read very often. .Although I dislike reading, I just find it boring I mean all you are doing is staring at words and trying to make sense of them. No, never do I read for a hobby, because like I said I find it flat out boring.
1. I honestly do not know what type of books I read. I know that I have a type, I just don't know what it is called. Every time I walk into the bookstore I shop at (Walden Books, in the Lancaster mall), I head straight to a certain section, and all the books in that section are the type of books that I read. For example, I have read The Notebook, Confessions of a Teen Drama Queen, the Spells and Sleeping Bags series, Twilight, and much more, that I had found in the same section.
2. It depends on what book I am reading. I use to maybe read for around 200 minutes on my reading log. On my last reading log, I had read 912 minutes. One reason was because it was in 2 weeks, Another is because, right now, I am reading a very interesting book, and I am actually reading around 150 minutes a day now. So I would say that it depends on the book.
3. Do I like reading? Absolutely. I love reading. Especially now that I am reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I am really into my book. I feel like I am actually in the story. I would say that yes, I like reading.
4. I do read as a hobby. Before I started reading Twilight, I would say that I had not read as a hobby. But I am so into my book, that I would rather read Twilight than watch TV. It has been a week, and I am half way through my book, and my book had 498 pages. I am just glad that there are three more books in the series after I finish the one I am reading right now. Every night, I read my book for hours. So yes, I do read as a hobby.
I think Shayna's blog post is really good. I agree with Shayna because reading is an important part of education and your life. Reading can help with mostly all the school subjects, work, college, and home stuff. Not only can reading help you with these things it also helps you with even driving for like when you have to read directions for where your going.
I love to read! Books are like a virtual world that your mind wonders off to. Every time I find a good book that I can read I always imagine in my head whats going, what the characters look and sound like, the settings, and the details.
My favorite types of books are non-fiction, fiction, mystery, and fantasy. One of the best books I have ever read would Kira Kira by Cynthia Kadohata. I would recommend this book to any one. And one of my favorite series is the Clique novels by Lisi Harrison. I would only recommend this series to people who like drama, and things that could happen in real life.
You probably don't want to here this but I hate books there are boring I read because I have to to pass Language Arts if I did not have to pass this class I would never read. Reading is just boring it never entertains me it is words on pages if I had to pick to read or not read I wouldn't read it is flat out boring.
I like to read chapter books but sometimes I read a picture book for whenever I get bored. Ever since I read Because of Winn-Dixie I got hooked on books like that. After I read that I read Shiloh that is a good book if you have not read it get time and read it. I read almost every night to fill out my reading log. I don't read because I need to I read because it is fun.
My favourite genre is fiction and mystery. I also like adventure. I usually read when theirs nothing to do and when I have reading homework. I find it boring to read at first. But when I start reading I usually never want to stop reading. So I would have to say that I do like reading as long as it's not a boring book. That is what I think.
The kind of books that I like to read is maybe a mystery or a surprising book.I read a lot I will read whenever I get a chance. I love reading because it is relaxing and it will help me read faster. I would not say that I would read as a hobby because it is not something that I do every day. The book that I love is called Because Of Winn Dixie. I think that a lot of people should read this book because it is exciting and it is an adventures book.
Well Shayna you know that I used to hate to read but then Mr.McGuire found me some great books. Like Party Girl and I am the Wallpaper. Those books turned around what I think about reading. Now I like to read. I love to go outside and read it helps me get away from everything and just read. I like to read realistic fiction books to. Because they are so much fun to read.
My favourite genre is fiction and mystery. I also like adventure. I usually read when theirs nothing to do and when I have reading homework. I find it boring to read at first. But when I start reading I usually never want to stop reading. So I would have to say that I do like reading as long as it's not a boring book. That is what I think.
I like to read sometimes but not often read once and a while but not all the time.When I do read I like fantasy books like The Fairy's Mastake. It is a great book.Reading is not really a hobby for me it is just another thing I do in my free time.
I like to realistic fiction,too.I agree with molly, it depends on what I am reading.I like to read but not all the time. I am currently reading the Ghost's Grave, so far it is really interesting. I read as a hobby when I am bored and have nothing to do or when I am going on a long trip.
I uselessly read a mystery books or I read adventures books. I don't read a lot but I do read. Reading is a little fun but when you get stuck on a word. Reading is not my favorite thing to do.
I really like to read and it has helped me get A's ans B's in all my classes because for example when we use the social studies, math, and science text books we have to read unless you want to sit there and stare at your book the whole time like some people do. I love to read and lately I have found and have had people (Shayna and Emily) recommend some really good books lately. Some good books are Death of a Snob (I don't know if it's in the book room but I have it at home,)Star Split, Kira Kira,the Spiderwick Chronicles and all the books that Shayne recommended. If you try reading some of these book and the ones Shayna recommended then you might actually enjoy reading. Try it! It will not kill you!
Shayna I see where you are coming from. I know reading is an important part of our education. I didn't like to read. I thought that reading was boring until I found books that I liked. I like realistic fiction like you do. But I like to read books by Nicholas Sparks. Like The Notebook and A Walk To Remember.
My favorite book is White Fang and when I started to read this book I have been read often. I do like to read now, ever sense I started White Fang. I do not read for a hobby.
The genre I like to read is adventures.I think the reason I like to read adventures books is because I am adventures my self. I read about four times a week on my own. The only reason I read is to keep me entertained when I'm bored.
Hay Shayna my favourite books to read are Gary Pulsing books like Harris and me.I don't read that often I only read when my grandma makes me read.
I like to read books that are fantasy. I like fantasy because books that have things in it that you know can't possibly happen. I also like fantasy books a lot because I can visualize the details better than other genres of books.
I do not read very often unless I have nothing else to do. When I get a book that don't have boring parts in it, I'll finish the book in a week usually.
I like reading. The only time i do not like reading is when I'm sick.
I sometimes read as a hobby. Most books I get to read are really funny and suspenseful.
My books to read are fantasy. I like to read fantasy because it is very exciting and because people go on big adventures. I also like fantasy because it makes me wonder what life would be like if the that really happened. My favorite book is the Outsiders but it realistic fiction. I like to read but I don't read as much now.
The kind of books I love to read are fantasy and realistic fiction. I like these kind of books because I can relate with realistic fiction and fantasy books are cool.
I have been reading ever since I was 7 I started liking to reading when I read Henrie and Mug.
I don't really like to read. Reading is ok but it is not my favorite thing to do. I don't like to read because I can hardly ever find a good book. =( No I don't like to read.
I get headaches easy when I read. I will read outside but it makes me sick to read inside.I know that it is weird but it is true.
maybe it is just the books that you are reading. For example. there are a lot of books that I don't like, and I feel the same way about. But the one I'm reading right now is so interesting, I'd rather read it than watch TV. Maybe you should try a book that is interesting to you.
I really don't like books they don't entertain me if I had to pick it would be war books is all I like. The only time I read is when I have to. I hate to read I do it because it is a huge part of my grade. Reading is definitely not a hobby of mine. I don't read for fun or anything it bores me to much.
My favorite kinds of books are books with action in them. I like action because if there ain't no action I lose focus. I read when ever I get home for an half an hour or an hour. I don't really like reading but I still read some times. No I do not read as a hobby.
1)What is my favorite kind of books to read? My favorite books to read are fantasy books.
2)How often do I read?I often read them at home or some where peaceful and quite because I can not read in loud or noisy places and I only read when I have to or I am bored.
3) Do I like reading? For me I would have to say no. When I have read I will read, but other than that I don't like to read.
4)Do I read for a hobby? No, not ever would I read as a hobby because I just don't reading.
My favorite genre is realistic fiction. The only reason I like these books is because this is telling you about something that could possibly happen to someone. It also it gives me a clear picture in my head because everything they are talking about I have heard or seen before. When you know about a subject it is easier to picture it which makes it easier to comprehend.
I read as much as I can whenever I can. Usually my mom has to take my book and close it herself just to get me to stop! Normally I will read for at least an hour. If I read less than that I have to help my mom with something so she made me quit reading. My mom dosn't like me reading all the time but I do any ways! I am sorry if that is a bad thing!
Well I don't even think I have to answer the third question! I think I made it clear that I LOVE reading. I also read as a hobby, if you can't tell.
this is doesn't really explain i said how do "FEEL"
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